10 White Wine Tasting Food Options


Preparing to host your DIY white wine tasting event and wondering what snacks to serve? Look no further.

The best white wine tasting foods have salt and fat. These two elements help balance out the high acid typical in white wines and enhance white wine’s fruitiness. Great snacks to eat with white wine include cheese, cold cuts, salted nuts, and hummus.

Here are 11 easy finger foods that will keep your taste buds happy at your next white wine tasting event.

Why Pair White Wine with Salty and Fat-rich Foods?

White wines are typically high in acid and lighter in body than red wines. Salty and fatty foods will help tame that acid and make your white wine seem fruitier. White wine flavor profiles vary depending on the grape and winemaking style, but you’ll typically be trying to enhance the aromatics and body in your white wine through clever pairings.

Helpful Tip: If you’re just getting started with wine, here’s a rundown of how wine and food pairing works – I wrote this simple post just for you.

So, if you want to get the most out of your white wine tasting, make sure to include foods with both salt and fat.

Helpful Tip: Check out this post for ultimate list of finger foods for wine tasting (for red and white wines).

Ready for the list of 10 easy white wine appetizers? Here they are!

1. Cheese Platters

foods for white wine appetizer - cheese

You can never go wrong with a regular white cheddar cheese for your white wine tasting. It’s relatively neutral, but has that fat, salt, and a tangy nuttiness to help balance out any white wine. You can always experiment with different styles of cheese, but keep in mind your white wine style will impact your flavor combinations.

White cheddar is always a winner for pretty much any wine.

Here are some other quick white wine and cheese combos:

If finding all of these different cheeses is one-too-many steps, then stick to your white cheddar and you’ll be fine.

2. Cold Cuts (Deli Meats)

white wine tasting foods - cold cuts

The beauty of cold cuts is that they offer a wide range of flavors and textures that pair perfectly with different types of white wine. The saltiness and richness of cured meats like prosciutto and salami complement the fruitiness of a Sauvignon Blanc, while Chardonnay’s creamy body can balance out spicy chorizo.

And let’s not forget about the convenience of cold cuts as a white wine appetizer.

Cold cuts are easy to prepare, require no cooking, and can be served at room temperature, making them the perfect choice for a relaxed and laid-back gathering with friends.

Vegans and vegetarians, this one isn’t for you, sorry… The next one is, though!

3. Hummus

foods for white wine tasting - hummus

Crunchy vegetables paired with creamy hummus drizzled in olive oil are a refreshing palate cleanser between sips of white wine. Try pairing your hummus and wine with carrots, cucumbers, and bell peppers.

Looking to add an extra layer of flavor?

You can even add a sprinkle of paprika or freshly ground black pepper to the hummus for a little extra kick.

4. Sushi

white wine tasting foods - sushi

Sushi’s a great white wine finger food. You can pick some up at your local sushi bar and head home to host your no-fuss white wine tasting.

Sushi’s delicate flavors are a perfect match for the subtle nuances of white wine.

Sip your chilled glass of Chardonnay, Vermentino, or Riesling while indulging in your favorite sushi rolls. The wine’s acidity helps cut through the richness of the fish, while the sushi’s umami flavor enhances the wine’s fruitiness.

5. Baguettes

baguettes - white wine appetizers

Grab a fresh baguette anytime you’re thinking about white wine tasting foods. Their crisp crust and soft interior make them ideal for soaking up the wine’s flavors. Serve them plain or with a smear of some of goat cheese or even simple cream cheese on top, or a dip in your humus for added layers of flavor.

6. Crackers

white wine appetizers - crackers

Most white wine tastings include crackers of some sort. Their neutral flavor allows the wine to shine. Stick with salted crackers.

Salt will make all wines seem fruitier (always a plus).

What else do I love about crackers for my white wine tasting events?

Crackers are versatile and shelf-stable.

It’s easy to keep them on hand for a last-minute tasting.

Add them to your cold cuts and cheese for a more substantial platter.

7. French Fries

white wine tasting food - french fries

French Fries are another quickie idea if you’re looking for a casual pairing for your white wine tasting.

French fries have fat and salt, the two flavor combos that enhance wine fruitiness and soften wine acid. French fries are an especially good choice if you’re going for very high acid whites, like Riesling and Champagne.

Helpful Tip: Check out this list of easy appetizers for wine tasting.

The thing that’s so great about french fry pairing is that you can get french fries at almost any restaurant for take-out, making it an easy pairing that works every time.

8. Potato Chips

white wine tasting foods - potato chips

Potato chips are the shelf-stable counterpart to french fries. Like fries, they have salt and fat. I keep a bag of potato chips in my pantry for last-minute tasting parties because that’s what wine people do. 

9. Salted Nuts

white wine tasting foods - nuts

Toasted, salted almonds, peanuts, cashews, and walnuts all make great nutty white wine food options. Like french fries and potato chips, they have salt and fat, but also protein, to balance out your wine and enhance perceptions of fruitness and sweetness. Nuts are shelf-stable, so easy to keep on hand.

Personal Note: I always have salted almonds in my pantry for tastings. And did you know that nuts make a fabulous inexpensive gift for wine lovers?

10. Lemon and Herb Marinated Olives

white wine tasting food ideas-olives

The lemon and herb marinated olives are like a burst of sunshine in every bite, perfectly complementing the crisp, refreshing taste of white wine. The zestiness of lemon and aromatic herbs add a touch of sophistication to this classic appetizer. Playfully pop the olives in your mouth and savor their tangy taste as they dance on your palate.

Plus, the healthy fats in the olives will keep you satiated and ready to enjoy the rest of your wine tasting adventure.

What Not to Serve at a White Wine Tasting: Fruit.

Be careful with fresh fruit at your white wine tasting. Fruit has fructose, making it naturally sweet.

Generally speaking, if you’re thinking about pairing a sweet food (like fruit) with wine, you want the wine to be sweeter than the fruit, or your wine will come across as thin, acidic, and bitter.


But, you have options.

White wines with a little sweetness, or off-dry styles, like Sauternes, many Chenin Blancs (Vouvray), or even Moscato will work with fruit, but stay away from dry whites and fresh fruit.

Final Thoughts – What to Pair with a White Wine Tasting?

easy white wine food pairing ideas - white wine glass

So there you have it, a list of perfect food pairings for your white wine tasting event.

Remember: think salty, fatty, and savory. Avoid sweet foods and you’ll be all set.

May your glasses be full and your taste buds happy!

Thirsty for More?

You should absolutely host your own wine tasting parties at home. This is probably the best way to learn about wine. Check out how to host a blind tasting at home.

Wine tasting with a twist? Here’s how to host a wine tasting for beginners.

If you’re doing different types of wine, then here’s a helpful how-to guide that will tell you what order to drink your wines in every time.

If you’re looking for cold appetizers for any wine (red or white), then head over to this post that covers all cold appetizer ideas for wine tasting.

Head over to this post for more general wine tasting food ideas if you’re looking for inspiration.

Love foods with spice? Check out how to pair spicy foods with wine.

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